Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mac Miller - Frick Park Market

Mac Miller's hit single "Frick Park Market" is an excellent indie hip-hop song that a fan of either genre would enjoy. Usually, this sort of style isn't my thing, but Frick Park Market is surprisingly well-done. The fantastic quality, editing, and choreography of the music video alone is enough to attest to the hard work put in.
The song refers to a food store in Miller's Pittsburgh hometown where he used to work (imagine it; one day you're some lowly student working a store job, the next you're a professional rapper and hip-hop singer). The market is near to the park referenced in the album title, Blue Slide Park (also known officially as Frick Park). The music video was filmed at the store itself, and that video reached well over 17 million views on YouTube.

Check out the video above to enjoy Mac Miller's Frick Park Market -- I promise you won't regret it.

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